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AstraZeneca’s A.Catalyst Network (A.CN) has been a constant at Slush since its birth in 2021. A network of problem solvers and innovators, A.CN connects AstraZeneca with collaborators outside of traditional pharma to address the most pressing challenges in healthcare – like strengthening healthcare systems, securing more equitable health, and helping to improve patient outcomes worldwide.

The spirit within A.CN is truly entrepreneurial, and it aims to connect and collaborate with start-ups, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders across sectors and geographies to help accelerate the development of healthcare technology and services that benefit society.

“Every year we look forward to Slush and are energized and inspired by the passion and drive of the founders we meet, both inside and outside of the healthcare space. It’s a place to make meaningful connections that can ignite innovation and open up a world of new possibilities.” – Ryan Bate, Senior Director of Strategy and Operations, A.Catalyst Network, AstraZeneca

Bridging the gap between traditional pharma and creative ecosystem disruptors

A.CN brings its global network of innovation hubs to guide and mentor healthcare start-ups and help scale up their solutions to fulfil their true potential.

At Slush, A.CN looks to connect with disruptors and innovators who solve existing challenges and develop promising technology. Its particular interest is in innovation that could help drive new methods of early disease detection and prevention, improve equitable access to healthcare, or develop solutions to reduce the carbon emissions associated with the industry.

As an ecosystem builder, A.CN’s values are closely aligned with Slush – together wewant to help founders change the world.

“A.Catalyst Network plays a crucial role in driving future health innovation. They help founders find viable ways to scale their solutions and implement new technologies wherever they are needed worldwide. That’s why we’re partnering with them this year to support the next generation of healthtech.” – Aino Bergius, CEO, Slush

Meet A.Catalyst Network at Astra Zeneca Booth

The A.CN team will host a booth where you can explore various aspects of healthcare innovation through roundtable discussions on the transformation of healthcare and scientific advances. Additionally, you will get to see exclusive healthtech startup pitches at the booth.

Do you want to be part of the future transformation of healthcare? Visit the AstraZeneca-A.Catalyst Network booth at Slush 2024.

For more information visit HERE.